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De: Iqbal PARKER, le Dimanche 12/08/2007

Département/Pays: Cape Town, South Africa

Advanced Lecture Courses
Advanced Summer School
Sponsored by FEBS, IUBMB and ICGEB
Co-sponsored by UNCTAD & UNESCO

Molecular and Cellular Basis of Infection

Attendance: 12 lecturers/50 Students

Hermanus, Western Cape, South Africa, 1-9 March 2008

Prof. Iqbal Parker
Medical Biochemistry
University of Cape Town
Anzio Road
Cape Town 7925
South Africa
Tel. +27 21 406 6259
Fax.+27 21 406 6060/1

Course Website to be Constructed

Deadline for Applications 31 October 2007

Please note: all YTF grants for this course will be allocated to African students working outside of South Africa


© 2001, Berger Christophe, PERL ZONE